A local college upgrades it’s public address notification system and Ohio Tele-Net is here to help.

Enhancing Safety and Communication: Installing a Campus Wide Public Address System in a 150,000 Square Foot School Campus

Introduction (Approx. 150 words):

Ensuring the safety of thousands of students, faculty, and staff members can be a daunting task for any educational institution. In response to this challenge, Ohio Tele-Net was commissioned to install a new campus-wide public address (PA) system in a 150,000 square foot school campus. With over 100 classrooms, common areas, and bathrooms requiring speaker coverage, a total of 149 speakers were installed. The new system, featuring one-touch switches for tornado and active shooter alarms, was warmly welcomed as students returned for the fall 2019 school year.

Overcoming the logistical complexities of working in a busy environment, the installation took place between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM to minimize disruptions to the daily operations of the campus. This article explores the process of implementing the new PA system, the challenges encountered, and the benefits of the equipment upgrade, ensuring improved safety and communication throughout the college campus.

Section 1: Upgrading the Campus Public Address System (Approx. 400 words)

The school’s existing public address system, initially installed in 1973, no longer met the evolving needs of the institution. With an increase in student enrollment and advancements in technology, it was necessary to upgrade the system to enhance safety protocols and improve communication across the campus.

1.1 Assessing the Campus Requirements: To design an effective solution, Ohio Tele-Net conducted a comprehensive assessment of the campus, considering factors such as building size, room distribution, foot traffic, and specific areas that required speaker coverage. This evaluation served as the foundation for developing a tailored public address system.

Installing a new Public Address System at a local college. School and higher education systems are our specialty.

1.2 Implementing the New PA System: Working closely with the school administration, Ohio Tele-Net installed 149 speakers strategically throughout the campus. These speakers ensured comprehensive coverage in classrooms, common areas, and even bathrooms, ensuring that important announcements and emergency notifications could be heard by all occupants.

1.3 Streamlining Safety Measures: One of the key objectives of the new PA system was to streamline safety measures on campus. With public address notification system the addition of one-touch switches for tornado and active shooter alarms, the school could quickly and efficiently communicate emergency situations to everyone present. This improved response time and helped ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff.

Section 2: Overcoming Logistical Challenges

Installing a new Public Address System at a local college. School and higher education systems are our specialty.

2.1 Working After Hours: Given the high volume of foot traffic during regular school hours, the installation process had to be conducted during off-peak times to minimize disruptions. Ohio Tele-Net scheduled the work between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM, allowing the installation team to work without interfering with the normal operations of the campus.

2.2 Cable Routing in a Complex Environment: The campus had undergone numerous additions and upgrades since its initial construction, resulting in a complex layout that presented challenges for cable routing. The installation team had to navigate through various obstacles to ensure proper connectivity for the new PA system. Through careful planning and expertise, the team successfully managed to route the cables, ensuring seamless integration with the existing infrastructure.

2.3 Equipment Upgrades for Uniform Sound: To achieve a uniform sound quality throughout the campus, the existing Bogen and Wheelock amplifier and speaker system, which operated at 8 Ohms, was replaced with new Pyle amplifiers and JBL speakers. This equipment upgrade provided improved audio clarity, allowing important announcements and emergency notifications to be heard clearly in all areas of the college campus.

Section 3: Benefits of the Upgraded Public Address System (Approx. 400 words)

3.1 Enhanced Safety and Security: The installation of the new PA system significantly enhanced safety and security on the campus. The addition of one-touch switches for tornado and active shooter alarms ensured swift and effective communication during emergencies, enabling students, faculty, and staff to take appropriate action to protect themselves.

3.2 Improved Communication and Information Dissemination: With the new system in place, the school administration could efficiently communicate important information, announcements, and updates to the entire campus community. Whether it was scheduling changes, event reminders, or general announcements, the improved PA system facilitated clear and timely communication, fostering a more informed and connected campus environment.

3.3 Consistent Sound Quality: The equipment upgrade to Pyle amplifiers and JBL speakers resulted in consistent sound quality across the campus. This ensured that announcements and emergency notifications were heard clearly and intelligibly, eliminating potential confusion or misinterpretation.


The installation of a campus-wide public address system presented Ohio Tele-Net with the challenge of ensuring the safety and effective communication of thousands of students, faculty, and staff members. By overcoming logistical challenges and upgrading the existing system, the college campus achieved enhanced safety measures, improved communication, public address notification system and consistent sound quality. The introduction of one-touch switches for tornado and active shooter alarms, along with comprehensive speaker coverage, empowered the campus community to respond quickly and appropriately to emergency situations. As a result, students could focus on their education in an environment equipped with modern safety protocols, while faculty and staff members benefited from improved communication and information dissemination. The successful implementation of the upgraded public address system serves as a testament to the importance of investing in robust and tailored security solutions for educational institutions.

Upgrading Your Public Address System for Enhanced Performance and Longevity

Upgrading Your Public Address System for Improved Performance and Longevity


A reliable and efficient public address (PA) system is vital for effective communication within large facilities. However, when an aging PA system begins to falter, it can lead to frustration and disruptions. Recently, we received a distress call from a customer facing issues with their outdated PA system, which had been in use for over 30 years. Despite attempts by their IT specialist and electrician to resolve the problems, chiefly the system suffered from a constant hum, malfunctioning speakers, and blown amplifiers. Recognizing the need for expert assistance, we arrived on-site determined to provide a cost-effective solution through a thorough upgrade of their public address system.

The Complexities of Troubleshooting an Aging Public Address System:

Upon arrival, we immediately sensed the customer’s frustration. They had exhausted all possible avenues, trying various approaches to fix the persistent issues plaguing their PA system. However, a complete replacement of the system, including every speaker, amplifier, and cable, was not financially feasible. Understanding the importance of a practical solution, we engaged in detailed discussions to determine the best course of action. This involved assessing the current state of the system, scheduling a convenient time for on-site troubleshooting, and outlining a comprehensive upgrade plan.

Thorough Investigation and Systematic Speaker Replacement:

To begin the troubleshooting process, we powered up the PA system Amplifier and embarked on a meticulous approach to identify and rectify the underlying issues. Our primary focus was on determining the non-functioning or marginally working speakers and resolving any associated problems. It’s important to note that even when a speaker appears to be inactive, it can still draw power and potentially create dead shorts within the PA system.

Public Address System Amplifiers Dayton Cincinnati and Columbus Ohio
Public Address System Amplifiers Dayton Cincinnati and Columbus Ohio


Over the course of several hours, we meticulously inspected and replaced approximately 30% of the speakers. During this process, we successfully eliminated three dead shorts that had been impeding the system’s performance. In one instance, before we discovered that both wires of a speaker had been inadvertently grounded during previous maintenance attempts. While it was necessary to replace a significant portion of the speakers, we were able to salvage the majority of the existing cabling, only needing to replace a 10-foot section. Additionally, out of the seven amplifiers on-site, we successfully salvaged one fully functional 600-watt 70v amplifier.

Achieving Seamless Integration and Enhanced Efficiency:

Upon completion of the speaker replacement and troubleshooting efforts, all 120+ speakers throughout the facility were fully operational, seamlessly integrating a combination of old and new components. The enhanced functionality of the system provided the customer with a reliable and efficient means of communication. To ensure the longevity and continued efficiency of their upgraded PA System, we advised the customer to engage in yearly maintenance with us. Additionally, we emphasized the importance of promptly replacing any failing speakers to prevent larger issues from arising. By addressing smaller problems individually, conversely troubleshooting becomes more manageable and cost-effective. The removal of faulty speakers and dead shorts allowed the single amplifier to utilize less than 20% of its 600-watt capacity, resulting in improved energy efficiency.

Public Address System Amplifiers Dayton Cincinnati and Columbus Ohio
Public Address System Amplifiers Dayton Cincinnati and Columbus Ohio

A Cost-Effective Solution and Lasting Partnership: We express our gratitude to the customer for entrusting us with their PA system upgrade. Allowing us to restore functionality and efficiency to their facility. Our commitment to resolving complex issues, coupled with our expertise in troubleshooting and meticulous component replacement.  Ensured the successful revival of their long-standing system. By proactively maintaining their newly improved system and promptly addressing any future failures, before altogether the customer can enjoy uninterrupted and optimal performance from their upgraded public address system.


A reliable and efficient public address system is crucial for effective communication within large facilities. When an aging system begins to fail, seeking expert assistance becomes imperative. Our recent experience with a customer facing challenges with their outdated Public Address System highlighted the importance of a practical and cost-effective solution. Through thorough troubleshooting, meticulous speaker replacement, and expert recommendations, altogether we successfully upgraded their public address system, ensuring seamless integration, enhanced performance, and improved energy efficiency.

At Ohio TeleNet, we understand the importance of a well-functioning Public Address System. If you require assistance with your public address system upgrade, we are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and leverage our expertise to enhance the performance and longevity of your public address system. Trust us to deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs. Conversely allowing you to communicate effectively and efficiently with your audience.

Overhead Paging, PA and Public Address Systems (ohiotele.net)

Industrial Intercom Overhead Paging, PA and Public Address Systems (ohiotele.net)

School System Public Address and Intercom System (ohiotele.net)

Viking Electronics

The dos and don’ts of using public Wi-Fi in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio

I found this article very helpful on using public WiFi safely in the Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton Areas.
Ohio Tele-Net can install your WiFi network in the Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton areas, and make it safe for everyone using it, including guests and employees.

The dos and don’ts of using public Wi-Fi in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio

“Public Wi-Fi is available just about everywhere, from the local coffee shop to the hotels and airports you visit while traveling. Wi-Fi has made our lives a little easier, but it also poses security risks to the personal information available on our laptops and smartphones. Here is a helpful list of dos and don’ts you should follow if you plan to use public Wi-Fi.

Safety for every device.
Security is no longer a one-machine affair. You need a security suite that helps protect all your devices – your Windows PC, Mac, Android smartphone or your iPad.

Two Types of Public Wi-Fi
There are basically two kinds of public Wi-Fi networks: secured and unsecured.

An unsecured network can be connected to within range and without any type of security feature like a password or login. Conversely, a secured network requires a user to agree to legal terms, register an account, or type in a password before connecting to the network. It may also require a fee or store purchase to gain access to the password or network.

Regardless of the connection type, you should always use public Wi-Fi with caution. Now let’s look at some dos and don’ts:

Do connect to secured public networks whenever possible. In the event that you’re unable to connect to a secured network, using an unsecured network would be permissible if the connection requires some sort of login or registration.

Don’t access personal bank accounts, or sensitive personal data, on unsecured public networks. Even secured networks can be risky. Use your best judgment if you must access these accounts on public Wi-Fi.

Don’t leave your laptop, tablet, or smartphone unattended in a public place. Even if you’re working on a secure Wi-Fi network, that won’t stop someone from taking your property or sneaking a peek at your device.

Don’t shop online when using public Wi-Fi. Sure, shopping doesn’t seem like it involves sensitive data, but making purchases online requires personal information that could include bank account and retailer login credentials. Shopping isn’t something you want to do on an unsecured Wi-Fi network.

Do turn off automatic connectivity. Most smartphones, laptops, and tablets have automatic connectivity settings, which allow you to seamlessly connect from one hotspot to the next. This is a convenient feature, but it can also connect your devices to networks you ordinarily would not use. Keep these settings turned off, especially when you’re traveling to unfamiliar places.

Do monitor your Bluetooth connectivity. Bluetooth in the home is an amazing feature on many smart devices. However, leaving Bluetooth on while in public places can pose a huge risk to your cybersecurity. Bluetooth connectivity allows various devices to communicate with each other, and a hacker can look for open Bluetooth signals to gain access to your devices. Keep this function on your phone and other devices locked down when you leave your home, office, or similar secured area.

Do think about using a virtual private network (VPN) solution to ensure your privacy and anonymity are protected when you use public Wi-Fi. VPN services, like the new Norton Secure VPN, can encrypt all the data that you send and receive while using a public Wi-Fi hotspot, securing your information from other users of the same connection.

Your device may not be secure.
Public Wi-Fi isn’t always safe. Without the right protection, your personal information could become public. Protect yourself with Norton Secure VPN. It encrypts the personal information you send and receive on public Wi-Fi to help keep it private wherever you want to log on.

Help protect your information with Norton Secure VPN.”

The dos and don'ts of using public Wi-Fi in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio
The dos and don’ts of using public Wi-Fi in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio

AT&T, Verizon, T Mobile, Sprint mobile 5G and what’s coming next in wireless

This is a great article from CNet about the up and coming 5G networks and what to expect from your carrier. Even though the network is updated to 5G your 4G and 3G devices will still work for years to come. In turn there is no reason to wait to install a cell phone signal booster repeater.


5G is coming on strong. Let’s take a look at what AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Xfinity Mobile, Spectrum Mobile, Altice Mobile, Apple with the iPhone and Google with their Android and others are doing. Let’s take a look at what 5G services are available today and what’s coming next.

In the race to mobile 5G, it seems AT&T and Verizon are in it to be first. While I understand there is an honor that goes to the winner, in the scheme of things does it really make much of a difference to users? After all both Apple iPhone and Google Android compete and Apple is always later with 5G, by choice.

After all, over time, both AT&T and Verizon were tops in 2G, 3G and 4G. Will 5G be any different depending on who is first? I guess it has to do with bragging rights. So, let’s take a closer look at what is available today and what’s coming next.

The kick-off for this new game is that mobile 5G is already available today in some markets from AT&T Mobility. That will expand over coming years. However, if you want to use 5G services today, you may just be in luck if you are an AT&T Mobility customer in one of their newly upgrade markets.

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Bringing 5G to market is complex. It means putting all the slices together. Today, only AT&T has some markets ready. The problem is there are no handsets that operate on this new technology. So, until they are, AT&T has come up with a solution. A way for their customers to get 5G signal and speeds, without a 5G smartphone or tablet.

AT&T Mobility users get mobile 5G now with Nighthawk 5G Mobile Hotspot
AT&T Mobility is doing something very innovative. They are partnering with NETGEAR and using the Nighthawk 5G Mobile Hotspot device.

Think of this device like the wi-fi available in Starbucks, McDonalds or countless other retailers. However, with this device, you are out and about and not stuck at one place.

The Nighthawk connects to the 5G network and you connect to it with your 4G iPhone, Android or another smartphone. The Nighthawk is a bridge that lets you get 5G speeds even if you don’t yet have a 5G device.

[ Take this mobile device management course from PluralSight and learn how to secure devices in your company without degrading the user experience. ]
Get 5G speeds without a 5G smartphone or tablet
In fact, even after 5G devices are in the marketplace, users can continue to use this device. That means even though Apple will not likely update to 5G iPhones early on, users will still be able to get 5G speeds.

That also means users won’t have to rush out and buy first generation 5G devices until they are ready. This puts the user in control over timing.

This is a big head start for AT&T and their customers who really want mobile 5G and live in a place where the network has been upgraded. AT&T has a very aggressive upgrade schedule. They always lead moving into the next generation of devices and it looks like they are doing the same thing with 5G.

Verizon Wireless 5G Home and mobile 5G
Verizon Wireless is beginning their move into this new technology with a service called 5G Home. This is 5G, but it is not a mobile offering. I think they may likely use this 5G Home service to ultimately offer a wireless pay TV or FiOS service to their users.

While Verizon users cannot get mobile 5G yet, that should begin later next year. As 5G continues to roll out over the next few years, I expect to see both AT&T and Verizon battling for first place in the minds of the marketplace. While this gives the winner bragging rights, I see both being real players in this new space, eventually.

Wireless pay TV will grow using 5G

So, as you can see, AT&T and Verizon are taking two very different paths to 5G. When asking the average customer, what is the meaning of 5G, the answer is generally a faster wireless service.

While that is absolutely true, 5G is not just a wireless service. It is also going to play a role in the wireline world. This new service will let companies offer fast wireless and fast home or office services. It will also empower new companies to move their business to the wireless space.

I think wireless pay TV will be a service competing with the traditional cable TV and wireline IPTV or Internet pay TV. This will empower and radical transformation over several years in pay TV. Who will the leaders be when the dust settles?

This will be the direction for a new wave of competitors in more traditional communications services like telephone, Internet and pay TV.

5G will empower transformation like Uber and Lyft in taxi industry

5G will also give new competitors a chance to reinvent more traditional businesses. Think about the way Uber and Lyft have reinvented the traditional and sleepy taxi and limousine industries. Now, think about the way wireless pay TV will transform traditional cable television. We will end up with many more competitors in the pay TV space.

What else will be transformed? That’s the real question. The answer will blow you away. Every industry will transform. There will be early, transformational companies. Some of them may be from newcomers like Uber and Lyft, or from existing players like AT&T and Verizon in the pay TV space, or from the cable TV world like Comcast Xfinity, Charter Spectrum and Altice.

Cable TV expanding with Xfinity Mobile, Spectrum Mobile, Altice Mobile

In fact, we are seeing the more traditional cable TV competitors jumping into wireless. Comcast jumped in a year and a half ago with Xfinity Mobile. Charter jumped in a few months ago with Spectrum Mobile. Altice is expected to jump in next year with Altice Mobile.

This is all very exciting as we are watching traditional industries completely reinvent themselves and expand.

5G is coming on strong and every company involved with wireless from networks to handset makers are all trying to capture the attention of the marketplace.

Expect massive change on every device and service we use today. Expect non-wireless companies to jump into the cellular world just like Comcast, Charter and Altice.

This change will happen over the next several years. Early adopters are companies who offer these services first, and their customers who want to be first. Then there are the others who will wait for these new paths to be trailblazed before starting their new journey.

Early adopters pave the way with 5G wireless going forward

Looking at the world from these goggles, AT&T is the early adopter, blazing new trails and taking the arrows. Verizon comes along next. They don’t pave new roads, but they grow as well.

This is the way these two have always operated and both AT&T and Verizon remain the industry leaders. This is similar to Google Android vs. Apple iPhone where one rushes into the next generation technology and the other waits.

T-Mobile and Sprint have a more difficult path when it comes to transitioning to 5G and leading. T-Mobile has the marketing pizzazz but has little spectrum. Sprint has plenty of spectrum, but little in the way of marketing expertise. If they can eventually merge, the future looks strong for them as well.

T-Mobile and Sprint 5G path is less clear before merger approval

Any way you slice it, I hope you can see how this move toward the new world of 5G will empower the wireless industry, from networks to handset and tablet makers to all the business connectivity services. It will also impact every business in every industry. The early adopters will lead the way and the other competitors will follow them.

The next decade will be fast and furious and wireless will be right in the middle of that universe. I love that because I have been watching wireless for more than 30 years. It’s an amazing place and things are just going to explode from here.

So, whether you are a consumer, business customer, government customer or player in any industry. Whether you prefer AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile or Sprint, I have one simple question to ask you. Are you ready for explosive transformational growth and change? I hope so. That’s what coming next whether you are a consumer or responsible for a large organization. Continue reading “AT&T, Verizon, T Mobile, Sprint mobile 5G and what’s coming next in wireless”

Mobile Cell Phone Booster Blog ~ Can anything stop robocalls to our mobile phones?

Ohio Tele-Net LLC 800-821-2686

2783 Martin Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017
9891 Montgomery, Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
2324 Stanley Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45404

Mobile Cell Phone Signal Booster System Installations

Ohio Telecom LLC Wilson WirelessCell phone signal boosters overcome the problem of dropped calls, limited range and slow data rates for cell phones and data cards by amplifying weak cellular signals. Our cell signal boosters are able to pick up weak cellular signals from a cell tower, amplify it and then transmit them to your cellular device, and then transmit a more powerful signal back to the tower. Causes Of Reduced Signal In Your Columbus Business Or Residence are unique topography of a location, overcrowded cell networks, inadequate mobile networks and cell towers, and even the materials used in the construction of buildings can all effect ability to have a strong wireless connection.Ohio Tele-Net custom configures each installation to maximize the equipment to work best for your environment, your cellular repeater, mobile phone booster system for your unique application by choosing specific Wilson boosters, antennas and cellular accessories and boosting 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE signal strength by T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T in the Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati Metropolitan areas.


PUBLISHED: 11/10/17 03:18 PM ESTUPDATED: 11/27/17 06:18 PM EST
This article originally appeared on CNET and in the winter 2017 edition of CNET Magazine. Click here for more magazine stories.

It’s not your imagination. Robocalls and texts really are flooding your mobile phone with scams, spam and attempts to swindle. Americans received 2.4 million unwanted calls every month last year, according to a report by the Federal Communications Commission. That’s about 1 million more every month than in 2015.

Sadly, ridding the world of these annoying calls is tricky because some things, like weather alerts and messages from schools and public utilities, are also made using automated call technology. Phone companies don’t want to block these legitimate calls.

Here’s what you need to know to understand what’s going on.

Why am I getting so many more annoying calls now?
These days, a telemarketer just needs a computer, a modem and a program that selects and dials numbers from a database. That’s made it easy for scammers to make calls from overseas, where they’re harder to trace and crack down on.

Wasn’t the National Do Not Call Registry supposed to stop this?
Here’s the thing: It’s already illegal to send autodialed or prerecorded nonemergency calls to your wireless phone without your permission. It’s just that scammers and phishers don’t care if they’re breaking the law.

Is it possible I’ve given consent without realizing it?
It’s possible, but the FCC and Federal Trade Commission spell out that written consent is required. If you have consented to marketing calls as part of a contract, however, you can’t revoke your permission without the other party’s consent.

Are some calls exempt from the Do Not Call list?
Yes. Calls made for debt collection, charitable solicitation, political causes or campaigns and surveys are all exempt from the rules.

Is there anything I can do to stop or slow down all these calls?
Yes, there are several options:

• Ask your phone company to offer robocall-blocking technology for mobile lines. Most already offer some form of protection, although a few charge a fee.

• Use a robocall-blocking app, and be sure to alert those apps when a number has slipped through so they block those calls in the future.

• Don’t answer a call from an unknown or suspicious number, since that tells scammers they’ve reached a legit line they can sell to other telemarketers and scammers.

• File a complaint with the FCC or the FTC. The FCC can issue warning citations and impose fines, but it doesn’t award individual damages. The FTC can file lawsuits against companies or individuals violating its rules.

• Forward spam text messages sent from a phone number to 7726 (or SPAM), a free text exchange among wireless carriers.

The bottom line: There’s no single solution to slowing down the flood of robocalls and spam texts. But with patience and the right approach, we can keep our heads above water.

Verizon Sprint AT&T T Mobile Cell Phone Boosters

Call now to schedule your appointment!!!

Verizon Sprint AT&T T Mobile cell phone boosters
Verizon Sprint AT&T T Mobile cell phone boosters
“Do You need a cellular booster?
Cellular boosters are often promoted online as being the game changer solution that you absolutely should have on board. This is a result of effective marketing by booster manufacturers – they’ve done a great job of getting boosters into the hands of social media influencers. Dayton Columbus Cincinnati

In the right situations, boosters DO make a huge difference and they might indeed be an appropriate fit for your setup.

But they’re not always the best signal enhancing option.

As boosters are a pricey investment upwards of $200-600, we strongly encourage you to learn more about this technology and signal enhancing in general. Dayton Columbus Cincinnati We’re not here to convince you to get one or not, but rather to help you make an informed choice to determine if they’ll make a significant enough role in your setup to merit the cost and installation efforts.https://businesstelephonesystemsohio.com/cell-phone-booster-repeaters/

Boosters make the most sense for those who are relying on smartphones, tablets or devices without antenna ports. Boosters deliver the enhanced signal wirelessly, which is the only way these types of devices can get an improved signal.

Directly wired antenna options often will outperform a booster in moderate signal conditions for devices that have antenna ports, as they can better Dayton Columbus Cincinnati take advantage of a core LTE technology called MIMO (multiple in, multiple out). But in fringe or weak signal areas, the extra amplification of a booster might perform better.

As a general rule of thumb:

If you’re going to be in multiple locations and rely on:
Cellular devices without antenna ports (smartphones & tablets) then having a booster on board can be a great .. even necessary.. tool in your mobile internet arsenal.
Cellular devices with antenna ports (mobile hotspot devices, routers) then having a booster on board might be worthwhile as a secondary option to try – but we recommend direct antennas as your primary solution.
If you’re mainly stationary and:
Getting poor signal, then trying a booster or antennas might help.
Already getting a great signal & data speeds – then a booster is probably not needed, but antennas might improve things further.
Will a booster work for multiple carriers or devices?
Most boosters on the market are multi-carrier compatible and will work on most 2G, 3G and 4G frequencies offered by Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. But only somewhat on Sprint. They even cover some regional carriers, like US Cellular.

Always compare the bands that your carrier & devices support with the frequency bands the booster is rated for before purchasing. This guide goes further:

Understanding Cellular Frequencies

Frequency Tips: No booster handles Sprint’s Band 41 (due to the way this spectrum works) or T-Mobile’s Band 71 (their new 600 Mhz spectrum, it’s not yet approved by the FCC for boosters).

Sprint’s two remaining LTE bands (B25 and B26) aren’t directly supported by most boosters, but can benefit from some ‘spill over’ from other bands. See below for more technical info.

Boosters that can handle multiple devices at a time can boost multiple carriers at a time too. A single device boosters (such as cradle style boosters) are designed for just one device at a time, but may work with multiple devices within very close proximity.

However, boosting multiple devices at once tends to degrade the enhanced signal for Dayton Columbus Cincinnati each device – as they share the power of the amplifier. So for the best results for data performance, only keep one device on within the active boosted area.

Avoid Boosting Your Expectations
Boosters can be an amazing complement to your mobile internet setup, and make the difference sometimes in whether you can make a particular location work or not for your connectivity needs.

But they are not miracle devices, and there’s a lot of confusion over what they can and can not do.https://businesstelephonesystemsohio.com/cell-phone-boosters/

A booster can help with these signal challenging situations:

Distance to the cellular tower
Overcoming obstacles that may be between you and the tower
Your own RV or boat’s construction (metal rigs like Airstreams and steel hulled boats can actually block signals).
A booster cannot help in these situations:

Using an overloaded tower
No signal to begin with
Improving an already great signal (boosters can actually decrease data speeds!)
Getting around hard throttles or network management that your cellular carrier enforces

Verizon Sprint AT&T T Mobile cell phone boosters
Verizon Sprint AT&T T Mobile cell phone boosters

What about Better Wi-Fi?
There’s also a good bit of confusion between cellular and Wi-Fi – they are both, after all, wireless signals. But they operate on very different frequencies.

Cellular boosters are designed to only work with cellular frequencies, and can not help with getting a better Wi-Fi signal. If you’re looking to get a better connection to your campground or marina’s Wi-Fi network, you’ll need different gear (See Getting a Better Wi-Fi Signal).

The confusing part is that many cellular devices can create their own Wi-Fi network Dayton Columbus Cincinnati that you connect to – so when you enhance your cellular signal your entire internet experience may improve. But you’re not actually improving the Wi-Fi signal itself with a cellular booster, just the cellular connection that your Wi-Fi network is distributing.

Confusing sometimes, we know.”

Here’s more on this: https://www.rvmobileinternet.com/resources/mobile-cellular-boosters/?fbclid=IwAR0rk0_z524ctj-k8QAvpFLwQvMKHRAaK-T4sYqV5um8dYZEHapdUpZJCds#carriers

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